Here is a quick guide to the perfect dinning table when dining and winning at home!
Surprising and wowing everyone coming to the party should be your main target of concern, therefore is important to know how to host the perfect party. For this purpose you need to begin with the shopping to allow yourself to prepare the most delicious gourmet meal your guests will ever going to taste. But mainly you should concentrate towards setting and arranging the dinning table. Having in mind how special this part of the party is, follow the next few steps leading you towards the immaculate dining table.
Select a suitable table cloth but remember to iron it before you place it in the table of course following the manufactures instructions (to avoid any last minute running to the shop to purchase new table cloth, because you burned it with the iron). Choose the right fabric and exclude the silk, it is slippery and is not suitable. The table cloth made of cotton is the one to consider because when stained is completely washable and the stains are easier to remove as cotton is a natural fibre.
Moving to the next essential part of setting up the dinner table- setting up and arrange the dishes and utensils. The crusty plate should be placed and centred against the dining chair. Now arrange the cutlery – left of the plate is where you place the fork following by the knife placed on the right side of the plate. Have in mind that before placing anything on the table should be washed and carefully polished. Using a dry cloth the silver cutlery could be polish to a shine as well as the crystal glasses. It is time to arrange the glasses accordingly- the glass for the red wine should be places directly on the top of the meat knife, followed by the white wine glass and finishing with the water glass. The dessert fork and spoon should be placed on the top of the plate and arranged facing opposite way.
To make your event even more special and glamorous choose napkins that are made from fabric, avoid the paper once as they are cheap and cheerful. Not that anyone will pay attention and not appreciate your efforts but because it makes a good impression and shows you care and have everything to be the perfect host. The napkins could be colourful but I will suggest sticking to the colour white as it invites in and makes the guest more comfortable. You can also make a different shapes of them (if you know how to do them of course), or otherwise just place the napkin on the top of the plate.
And finally arranging the drinks- ensure all bottles are clean and place them in the middle of the table, or should you have compact trolley you can place them on there and move it around when anyone is in need of a refill. But ensure that if the drinks are not on the table, everyone but on the trolley, everyone should have an easy access; therefore always be a hands on and vigilant. Of course placing the drink bottles in the centre of your table can restrict everyone’s view to one another and will disable eye contact and the flow of the conversation therefore perhaps place them at the end of the table, if you don have a trolley. And put a nice vase with beautiful flowers for an extra atmosphere. And while you are dinning let us deal with the aftermath and book our before/ after party cleaning service in London. We will ensure our professional cleaners will clean and restore the cleanliness in your home.